Antony and Cleopatra

Cast & Crew


Octavius Caesar



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  1. On 24th November 2020 at 4:10 p.m., Mardy noted:

    We had tickets for this production when my husband’s submarine was sent at very short notice to South Africa (but don’t tell Harold Wilson!) I decided to ask our middle aged babysitter to look after our baby and to take the teenage one, Barbara Brockman, to Chichester. She had already impressed us with her creative and imaginative prowess with our Edwardian wooden bricks, when we returned from dull naval party to find a Taj Mahal on the sitting room floor. In those days, having graduated in Eng Lit four years earlier and having seen Piers Haggard as Anthony in a departmental production, I knew the play better than I do now. My most abiding memory is of Barbara refusing to applaud because it spoiled the illusion….

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