Joanna Blatchley’s profile

I first worked as an ASM with Lincoln-based theatre company, Great Eastern Stage (1977/78). I then moved to the Churchill Theatre, Bromley as a Technical Assistant, then ASM, then DSM. I left Bromley to Company Manage 2 tours of ‘Freddie the Superflea’ a children’s show, for Flying Tortoise Theatre Company before returning to Bromley as Company Stage Manager. I left there in 1987 to work as an Administrative Assistant at The Actors Centre, London (1987–1990) then moved to Manchester to manage their regional in-service training work (1990–1994). In 1994, I joined John Good Ltd as an account manager overseeing the production of theatre programmes, moving into their editorial department in 2018 as a Commissioning Editor. @BlatchleyJoanna

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