Saint Joan

Cast & Crew


Archbishop of Rheims
Bertrand de Poulangy
Brother Martin Ladvenu
Captain la Hire
Chaplain de Stogumber
Courtiers and Assessors
Courtiers and Assessors
Courtiers and Assessors
Courtiers and Assessors
Courtiers and Assessors
Courtiers and Assessors
Courtiers and Assessors
  (credited as David Kelly)
De Courcelles
Duchess de la Tremouille
Dunois’ Page
Dunois, Bastard of Orleans
English Soldier
Gilles de Rais
Ladies of the Court
Ladies of the Court
Ladies of the Court
Mgr de la Tremouille
Pages and Court Attendants
Pages and Court Attendants
Pages and Court Attendants
Pages and Court Attendants
Peter Cauchon, Bishop of Beauvais
Richard de Beauchamp, Earl of Warwick
Robert de Baudricourt
  (credited as David Kelly)
The Dauphin (later Charles VII)
The Inquisitor



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  1. On 22nd February 2017 at 10:32 a.m., PaulButtle noted:

    This was the first play I ever saw. I was taken by my class teacher Charlie Evans. He took me and one or two others. I’m sure he paid out of his own pocket as that was the sort of chap he was. The Belgrade had only just opened (which I’d forgotten about until my recent “googling” made me aware of again) Reason enough, I can see now, for Charlie to want to take us to a performance.

    Alas the experience was wasted on me – I got very bored. All I can recall of the play is one character refusing to sit down when told to do so, and then sitting down when told to stand! That memory is correct – I’ve checked the text. (Though the character wasn’t Saint Joan as I thought it was)

    I’ve long thought also that going to that play meant my missing the docu-drama called ‘Cullodon’ on television – I’ve long regretted I missed it. But the internet being what it is I’ve discovered my memory is false. ‘Cullodon’ was screened on the 15th December, 1964 – not in in May, 1958.

    I recall being told told at school something about a poor country donating a gift a wood to help with the building of the theatre as they couldn’t offer money and in gratitude the theatre bore a name relating to that country. That recollection is almost accurate. See:-

    I am going this evening to see a screening of a live performance of “Saint Joan” in my local cinema. This is what provoked me to find this website. I wanted to know just when it was I saw the play. Almost sixty years ago – and never seen it since!

    Paul Buttle. (22nd February, 2017)

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