Stratton Rodney

Birth name was Richard Harry Hopkins Stratton Perkins, son of Sir Frederick Perkins and Isabella Bloomfield Croskey. He was born in Southampton, England, and died at Courtlands, Clarence Parade, Southsea, Hampshire. He was unmarried and had no children. Obituary 15 Mar 1932 Portsmouth Evening News – death after illness lasting about 3 months. Well known on stage as a member of Ben Greet’s Shakespearean Co., his stage name being Stratton Rodney. He was staying at Southsea for his health, his home being 19 Mall Chambers, Kensington, and had been in Portsmouth for five or six weeks. He lived most of his life in London and was a very active man until he developed heart trouble. Most of his theatrical experience was confined to London but he occasionally went on tour. The funeral will take place in the family vault in Southampton Cemetery.

Past productions

  • Date of birth:
  • Died:



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